As most good recipes, this one just happened! I was having my girlfriend Suzana over for lunch. We were having rice and beans tacos with spinach, tomatoes, melted cheese and hot sauce. It occured to me that a nice appetizer was in order. So I ran to the grocery store and bought a box of raw langostines. And I got to creating...
You need:
-12-18 unpeeled langostines
-1 small french onion
-3 pieces of garlic
-two spoons of olive oil
-a whole dry chili pepper
-a half a shot of good rum (if you haven't got rum use whisky or bourbon)
-coarse salt
In a clay pot, or thick pan, add the olive oil and heat on a medium flame. Pour in the diced onion and dry whole chili pepper and saute for several minutes. Add the sliced garlic and whole langostines. Stir for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle a spoonful of paprika and a spoonful of cumin. *Turn off the exhaust fan* very important, pour in the rum and light on fire. Stir until the fire dies naturally. Sprinkle coarse salt on top and when the langostines have turned a nice orange they are done. Serve in clay pot still sizzling and enjoy! This is yummy fun food. There is no need for eating politely, feel free too eat it with your hands and make sure to get some onions and garlic in with the peeled langostine bite!
Enjoy and keep experimenting in the kitchen!
one of the best lagostinos i ever had!!!!
ResponderEliminarbut the tacos were also really good!
you should put then that here also!!!
I will try to put rice and beans up one day! ;)